Ira with a couple more "Uncles"
A ride with Ira and yet another "Uncle"
I had a lot of fun today around Elektrostal, just shopping talking and walking, and of course hanging out with uncles - many of whom have made me promise to dance with them at the wedding. I also found out that at the Henna party before the wedding, I will be painting the Henna on one of the bride's hands...That's a lot of pressure right? Henna isn't exactly the most forgiving or removable thing, especially the day before the wedding.
Also, I found out that one custom is for the bride's family (which will include me in this case) are responsible for presenting the bride and groom with big platters of fruits and sweets, which they will carry in during the wedding party. I'm planning to fill mine with some American specialities (cupcakes and cookies), which none of them have even heard of before so that should be interesting.
Tomorrow I'm off to help Ira decorate her new apartment. I think we have to tie lots of red ribbons on everything because in their culture it symbolizes a new married couple.